
daily fun
kid's art
tyke news
happy birthday
trips & photos
your stories

our teachers
our mission
wee folk policy
how many kids
great books

This is a sample PRESCHOOL site - links go back to SG Computer Services. Thank You.

Busy Days- winter 2006

"...thank you so much for all of the work you put into this and our centre, it is greatly appreciated." Cindy

"I am 100% in support of this website and hope other parents will visit the site often and see the potential behind it. I know for our family that this website is a Godsend. You don't know how many times that I have felt like the inactive parent in my child's school life because our schedule mostly permits my husband to take our child to school." Cori-Lynn

Click here to see Ms. Cindy's great photos of your child's outings!

Summer Themes click here

Great Article - Separation Anxiety

welcome newcomers click here

Email your stories and suggestions to sgcs@sgcomputerservices.com

Call the Wee Folk Centre at 765-8993

all Newcomers to our Program!

(children's names will be kept confidential on the website for privacy and security purposes. Thank you).

This site is created voluntarily for Wee Folk Centre. The views are not necessarily those expressed by members of the centre.